High Speed, Models & Probes

Blow Down Wind Tunnels

Specialty Tunnels/Equipment

Clark Y-14 Slat/Flap Wing

Low Speed, Models & Probes

Closed Circuit Wind Tunnels

Low Speed, Subsonic


High Speed, Models & Probes
Data acquisition software

Data Acquisition Systems


Drag Model Set

Low Speed, Models & Probes

Educational Wind Tunnel (EWT)

Low Speed, Subsonic

Educational Wind Tunnel Upgrade

Low Speed
3D rendering of a flat plate

Flat Plate and Mouse

Low Speed, Models & Probes

Flow Viz Tunnel

Specialty Tunnels/Equipment

Force Missile

High Speed, Models & Probes

Model Positioning System

Specialty Tunnels/Equipment

Open Circuit Wind Tunnels

Low Speed, Subsonic
3D rendering of a pitot static probe

Pitot-Static probe

Low Speed, Models & Probes
3D rendering of a pressure cylinder

Pressure Cylinder

Low Speed, Models & Probes

Pressure Missile Model

High Speed, Models & Probes
3D rendering of a pressure wing

Pressure Wing

Low Speed, Models & Probes